Types of Home Insulation

Improving your home's insulation is one of the best ways to cut down on energy costs. Most people only think about insulation when the weather is cold, and your home's heat is leaking out, but it can also reduce air conditioning bills in the summer by keeping the heat out. Some home insulation types also make excellent soundproofing materials, especially when placed in the home's interior walls. The effectiveness of a certain type of home insulation is designated by its R-value. R-value is the level of thermal resistance created by the insulation material. The higher the number, the better the insulation will keep heat in or out of the home.

Types of home insulation: Fiberglass

The most common type of home insulation is fiberglass. This is usually pink, but can also be yellow or white. The R-value of fiberglass home insulation is approximately three to four per square inch. Do not compress the fiberglass sheets too much when installing, or they will not work as effectively. The key to fiberglass home insulation is the air that fills in the spaces between each fiber. Be very careful when working with fiberglass home insulation because it can irritate the skin, eyes, and lungs. Always wear a face mask, safety goggles, gloves, and long sleeves and pants to protect yourself.

There is a direct competitor to fiberglass and that is cellulose. Check out which is a better pick in your home here.

Types of home insulation: Mineral wool

Mineral wool or Rockwool home insulation is sold in sheets similar to those of fiberglass insulation, but they are denser. The dense construction makes mineral wool insulation an excellent choice for walls that need to be soundproofed. The R-value of mineral wool is usually around the same as that of fiberglass home insulation (in the 3-4 range). Mineral wool home insulation will cost slightly more than fiberglass but is also sturdier and more resistant to water damage and fire. Safety precautions should also be used when working with mineral wool insulation.

Types of home insulation: Polyurethane foam

Polyurethane foam home insulation requires a professional contractor for installation. It is sprayed right onto the inside of the wall on the underside of a roof and then left to dry. Once dry, the polyurethane foam creates an airtight seal, creating insulation with an R-value of around four per square inch.

Types of home insulation: Polystyrene boards

Polystyrene board home insulation has an R-value in the four to five range. The boards are sold as colored sheets, usually pink, blue, or white. Board insulation can be used in combination with fiberglass or mineral wool to increase the total R-value. Be careful when using polystyrene insulation boards on external portions of the walls. It can be quite flammable and should always be covered with some type of fire-resistant material.

Did you learn anything about insulation types? Feel free to drop an email to info@siy.biz or fill out the form in our Contact Us section and schedule a consultation. If you’re outside of our service area, use our $99 Online Energy Audit. We will provide you with the information and guidance to tackle your project in a cost effective manner for both your wallet and your energy savings.


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